
Privileged Informational Access to SWTOR

In the wars in the galaxy, the galactic republic as peace barriers have continues for generations. In the jedi guardian's brave defense, a civilization progress and the galactic republic's best hope of unity. However, in the depths of the cosmic unknown, powerful sith empire quietly rise. The empire is the force of the dark side of the sith Lord chief, and they long for the hegemony of the Milky Way, trying to old enemy-the jedi revenge. After centuries of preparation, the return of the sith time has come. The empire sent large fleet and daring paratroopers surprise, quickly occupied the launch of a number of the world outside, causing the history of the war never before seen. From the frozen wastes Tim packs to the desert wasteland who worked, after a fierce battle all 1 million v. Although already statement neutral, mercury, south to be wiped out surface buildings but, forcing the local people have to the sea catfish in solitude.
The above is the background of the coming game SWTOR. What do you think of this game. The voies of this same is different. What is your voice? Played and like older mmos more, or what are considered niche mmos. But I know very clearly that BW make their product on the goals of the WOW crowd, they are looking for millions of subs instead of tens or hundreds of thousands.
SWTOR is different from what you think makes SWG seem like a true Star Wars game, because its based the rise of Darth Vader which is 4000 years before. The story occurs after the first Sith War (Knights of the Old Republic). The entire thing that BioWare does is from scratch George Lucas started the story at Episode IV. Thus there is no reasonable and reliable storyline for BioWare to follow for that in Star Wars Lore for SWTOR to follow. Please cut them some slack, you should not hate a game that is still in Stage 1 Beta Testing, Wait till you either get in to Closed Beta or Open Beta(which ever happens first) Play it longer than 30 minutes and then come back and say you hate it. Until you have tried something all your claims of hatred is just an assumption.
The time at which it takes place has got nothing to do with why this particular SW fan and MMO gamer isn't interested. It's the scope of game play that they are focusing on versus what I believe should be offered in a SW setting. I don't need to wait til beta to "check it out" to know if I'm interested. I can read. What they state they want to do with the game does not sound appealing to me.
I firmly believe that this game SWTOR will turn out to be a success. The Old Republic is recognized as one of the most expected online massive games of this year. Although, it is not on the Market yet, the SWTOR Credits have been in hot sales already. On MMOXE, the leading gaming service organization, SWTOR Credits is on the top of the hot sale items. Many players have already gone to buy swtor credits to wait the game’s release. MMOXE is among the websites the gamers go most frequently.
Fortunately I also have privileged informational access from which a very educated opinion has been made.

