
Features of Plug-in in the Game

Other features, such as automatic eating blood, eating blue automatic, in some respects to the players who did provide a lot of convenience, and Master skills such as auto-open on the secondary shield allows players to not think too many things at the same time, such as The Master and automatic shield with auto-open the blood after eating. You can not control defense, and direct onslaught on the line.
The legend of the early plug is free to use, and adding to the game itself does not have the features that make the game more close to the people, difficulty of use - similar to the existing "World of Warcraft," "JX three" plug-ins and other games such as the RuneScape, for example, players also can use plug-in to upgrade RS items and rs equipment. Production of plug-in make up for the game of their function, and it is free for players to use, and these functions are also the major free future games into the game, which is known as the hanging.
Over time, the plug makers have begun to satisfy with the current function, to develop some more powerful plug-in, such as acceleration, second one plug-in, you can make your attack speed, attack speed, or double - if you use and your opponent does not use, then it is clear that the attack frequency, attack occupy a huge advantage that you can quickly kill the opponent, while the speed increase allows you to beat or kill the opponent more convenient time. This period began this powerful plug-hung sale on the internet (MMOXE.COM) - you can use the free version, and use some basic functions, but the paid version can provide more services. Obviously, the speed, functionality second person join to completely destroy the ecological balance of the game. R & D team for the efforts of all professional balance reduced to ashes. This time the feeling is that as a player, a lot of plug-out after a period of time needs to be updated version, or for a plug-in - because the plug-in has been the sealing of the big game.
Here I want to say that Shanda's attitude towards plug in the treatment on the issue of plug-in is commendable. Their efforts to crack down on the plug-in operators than the miracle of the ninth city are much higher, or a miracle would not sink so quickly, while the legendary series of games is not only alive to the present, but also contributed to today's big game 60-70 % of revenue. There are two means: Firstly, incorporate features plug-in enhanced usability game. Secondly, the game balance against external damage, such as acceleration plug-in, extended play life. Shanda operation and maintenance department Mr. Huang Xiaohu, in 2010 China Game Developers Conference keynote speech, specifically mentioned the operation and maintenance from the perspective of how to combat plug method. Suppress the external forces of various departments showing the importance attached to their big game. No matter the effect of the plug-in is how much to the game, we can enjoy our game at hand. And we can buy rs gold to get into the game.
Read more:RS gold

