
The Learning of Invincible Monk

People who have not played this game do not understand while playing this game now I think people should know it. It is to be invincible monk tutorial "misleading" - Mo / W is the vice occupation soldiers. In fact, the words of deputy career with the soldiers. Nothing wrong with this combination is one of them. But this is not the best combination of a monk is not invincible vice career hereby I need to use my skill shot up. For your reference it is as follows:
However, the selected sub-professional invincible monks undoubtedly accelerated the speed of play money, while it is also consistent with the invincible monk character, but how to choose the deputy job? Correct use of the strengths and Guild Wars 2 gold of the various occupations Domination vice is the best choice.
The reason is that using the [magic echo] can not add any points and no attribute skills. With the trial of the shield to use, you can use a dual effect of the trial, the advantage of unlimited re-use if the use of time to master, in each of two trials (one cycle) is only about 3 second intervals (this is [the magic echo] 2 - and [the trial Shield] 1 second cast time) -- premise of magic needed 20% longer weapons and blessing aura.
In the six occupations, as well as who has a strong attack force? The answer is an element messenger. A strong element of magic attack power of the occupation, the Select Element messenger as deputy job is the best choice, so I recommend the skills.
Sub-skills that can replace the figure of the first skills (fanatic of sparks) reasons: one is a group attack skills and it is essential. Second, the magic time is short, not easy to be interrupted. Three skills recovering period is short, repeated times faster and more. And the disadvantage is 15 energy needs, but the monk has long been an unrivaled solution to this problem, so do not have to worry about.
In fact there are many skills available in the battle of the world, not the best and only best for you, which requires players to develop their own As for invincible monk tutorial here is no longer about. Line has been able to find many places. Another monk skill points and then you can attach the personal invincible deployment method for your reference.
My personal feeling is good. Allocation is reasonable. But there is no waste, but also the specific circumstances of individual adjustments. These are only a reference to hope that we can make a more reasonable opinion. Then if you are interested in the characters, the skills, the tasks in the game, you can buy Guild Wars 2 gold on MMOXE.COM. More Gudild Wars 2 news

