
The Cool Ending of the Game Guild Wars 2

If it's like Guild Wars 1, it's hub/instance relation may not be - the article is hard to parse), every battle area is an instanced zone - social interaction is largely limited to safe, hub zones where you trade, chat, etc. If you want to group up with some people and fight stuff, you do so in the hub before leaving as a group for the instance battle area, where killing ensues.
Combat in GW1 (and probably this game) is very twitch-based. You acquire skill points by leveling up or questing with many Guild Wars 2 gold, and can buy new skills from a trainer - you have a hotbar with 8 slots for 8 skills (no doubles). Before leaving a hub/going to battle, you set your 8 skills and cannot change them until you reach a safe hub again. There's also some other mechanics involving learning super skills from monsters, but you can only have one of those "Elite" skills at a time (they are generally much more decisive/powerful than normal ones).
You also had 2 classes - primary and secondary. Primary was permanent, but in GW1 there was a storyline quest that allowed you to change change secondary class when you complete it. You can only use your primary class's armor, but you could use any weapon. In addition, you could use skills of your secondary class in addition to your primary one, whichever it may be at the time.
PvP and Guilds are pretty intertwined (thus, Guild Wars). There are traditional gameplay modes like capture the flag, or domination/defend the x, but combat is the same as normal PvE stuff (set hotbar before going into battle, can't change until after). Guild vs Guild matches change the guild's ranking overall (not sure exactly what this entailed game wise, I know IRL it qualified your team for actual tournaments with cash prizes). This is also where the endgame is really at - finding good builds/team make-up.
I miss anything crucial, guys?
They've said that they are going to use a persistent world with GW2 and tone down the instancing a bit. I don't know if they are going to keep the level cap at 20 or not but GW1 had an option to start as a 20th level character for arena use which was very nice. The other thing that should be mentioned is that GW has a very strong metagame due to the hundreds of skills available for each class and only being able to select 8 at load out.
Also they have said that, as with GW1, there will be no monthly fee for GW2. Looks, pretty. How do you play this game? I'm looking forward to this, especially after WoW bankrupts me. You can NOT build an MMO without grinding. So there will be grinding in this game.
The ending is cool. So you can experience the coolness in the game by yourself, and you can buy Guild Wars 2 gold on MMOXE.COM.
More news:Rappelz Gold

