
How to Get Start with the New Game

I'm fairly new to the game but having difficulty finding what add on to look for to help me quest and just ask it a little easier. I don’t know where to find it but a friend said I need quest helper? And some other type of maps or something. I used to play ever quest but I don’t know much about wow.
Carbonite is a great addon with a map-quest data- and coordinates. Deadly boss mods you will need for heroics and raiding once you progress into the game, and recount/skada helps you track many things including dps, interrupts, etc. Everything from there is just for simplicity.
Do yourself a favor and install Tukui. You'll be glad you did. If you play a healer, learn mouseover macros. If you play a tank, get TidyPlates: Threat Plates. Otherwise for leveling, there aren't a lot of add-ons that are very much more helpful than Blizzard's default questing interface. Then wow gold will not be a problem.
The site you want to go to for addon is curse.com. There are a plethora of addons available for every conceivable aspect of the game from Fishing to Role playing, and for every class and role.
A few of my favourites for leveling include ArkInventory, Auctionator, Accountant, Deadly Boss Mods and Omen Threat Meter to name a few. Play around with addons, see what interests you and fits your style. You needn’t cheap wow gold anymore.
As Arkayn said though, there aren't many questing addons that bring much to the table now that the UI has been revamped, and the quest lines lineated. With very few exceptions, you pick up a starter quest or two in a zone, and you more or less get led by the nose through till the end. Long gone are the days of needing Tom Tom, Quest helper and a good leveling guide. The zone maps and tracking options are also head and shoulders above what they once were.
At a minimum I recommend a bag/inventory management addon such as ArkInventory or Bagnon, and if you plan on grouping for dungeons you should run Deadly Boss Mods and Omen. If you are a completist and want to find every quest in each zone then you would also want Quest Completist which lists every quest available by zone/instance, checks them off once you are done, and shows the location of every quest giver on your map (for quick access I have this addon key bound to. And I never buy wow gold anymore.
If you're new to the game I wouldn't recommend getting addons. Blizzard has made it fairly easy to quest now with area-marking on your map and all. The reason many players do the quests so fast is mainly because they've been playing for so long, and they know where all the requirements for their quests are. We've all been through what you're going through. I'd say don't be so hasty. Complete the quests. Enjoy the storylines and pull through the frustration. Everyone be where you're at, at some point.

