
Game Industry Coexist with Movie Industry

As the vast developing of games, it is popular among the public. And the plot in the game also gets much attention from the public. For example, RuneScape, EVE, Guild Wars 2 has been played by many people. The topic has been in the society. I do not know when people ear heard such a sound: The game will eventually replace film. My view is not, because they are the two entertainment industry side by side. The RS gold and movies can be sold on the same plat.
Although the performance of two different forms: the film is mainly narrative slowly to the audience the story of the story in general are also predetermined; and games tend to allow players to become part of the story or characters, the player selected by the end of the story. However, no matter games, or movies they all worth mentioning, in fact, a kind of entertainment for people of industry, the final analysis, in order to bring joy and relaxation.
Recent Internet rumors as "Grand Theft Auto 4" for sale in North America resulting in "turned out", the North American box office, especially for new listings Iron Man a lot of influence. I personally think that the credibility of the news is not high, probably ROCKSTAR themselves pretending to be a gimmick for advertising their products; even if true, this is a rare one example. Because movies and games are very different to adapt to the crowd because they are not the same, so they have their own supporters, who went out who the possibilities are almost zero. If this really be a day game instead of the film, it is estimated the world will mess up. Imagine the world of movie stars are laid off, they can not trouble you? Their fans will not trouble you? Moreover, virtual things real people can not replace a human to interpret their own story, which is in the American film "Virtual Idol. There are well represented.
In recent years the cooperation between the film and game very close, a lot of hit movies such as <Spider-Man> <Pirates of the Caribbean> <Transformers> and so was adapted into the game, and a lot of games have been into movies such as <Resident Evil> <Silent> <Yakuza> <Dead or Alive> so, the major game companies and movie studios are cashing in full grin. Thus, the relationship between movies and games are not enemies but friends. In fact, as early as <Super Mario> era of cooperation between the two began, and interested friends can surf the Internet and look.
In fact, the game RuneScape also has the same name movie. I do not know whether it is the adaption of the movie, but they have something in common. For exmple, the equipment in the movie sometimes is shown as the RS items in the game. So I believe the game and movie will coexist.
Although words can not say anything dead, anything is possible. But now look at the game is unlikely to replace the film, really small. So no matter you buy rs gold on MMOXE.COM or buy movie ticket to see a movie, it is worth.

