
Scott Doesn’t Fear Korean Prejudice, with Confidence in RIFT

Recently, the senior management of the famous American game company Trion World has stated that RIFT is going to be on the Korean market and has the hope to make an achievement. RIFT is another massive online role-playing multiplayer game, which does not have the professional restriction. Namely the players can choose any kind of basic career to their characters at any time. There are many different game designs for the players in the game. These new features of this game are likely to give players totally new experience and you can not miss. The same as other MMORPGs, the game items and currency are of great importance for the players. If you want to have a fun in RIFT, RIFT Gold, RIFT Plat and RIFT Power Leveling are essential for you. MMOXE  is a good game organization for you to buy RIFT Gold, RIFT Plat and RIFT Power Leveling at a better price with the best service.
"RIFT" has its own creative features and it has adopted the successful experience and systems of "World of Warcraft” as well. High quality of picture and the basic features of the game play have attracted the players.
"RIFT" leading produced by him has lasted five years to develop, with the investment of more than 150 people in research and development at a cost of 50 million to 80 million U.S. dollars. This game has got a score of 8.56 in the United States on the well-known media mmorpg.com. From January this year, RIFT has been beyond the "World of Warcraft" in 4 consecutive months and has become Europe's number one on the most popular game list.  
Scott, who has developed 40 types of online games in total during his 20 years game career, has expressed his point of view of Koreans bias to the overseas game at the recent E3 2011 on the press interviews.
"RIFT" is researched and developed on the basis of the conflict among two camps and eight forces, which has perfectly combined PVE and PVP systems. Game has two camps, six races, four basic occupations and 32 changes, which make the player indulged in the game.
Scott said that it is well known that the South Korean market has bias to Europe and the United MMORPG, but "RIFT" has gone beyond the "World of Warcraft" on the picture quality and market prospects, it should succeed in Korea. Meanwhile, he also hopes more overseas MMORPG to emerge in the Korean market and have good popularity.  
He also said that the Korean market is a mature international online markets, the average level of players and gaming experience are very high, so that players can use their experience to judge the game quality of "RIFT".
At present, the time for this game to be on the market in Korea has not been yet determined, but the charges have been identified as the time-way point card charges, instead of the props charges speculated before.
Although the "RIFT" has the unique advantage, but the prospect of the services in Korea is still not favored, because until now, except "World of Warcraft", on other overseas MMORPGs have a great success in Korea. It is reported that “RIFT" has been on the line in North America and Europe, and its agency in South Korea is the CJ E & M. The content of version 1.3 was also revealed on the E3 games show.
More news:EVE ISK

Question's On Just Hit 80 and How to Explore Cata?

So I kinda missed the bus at launch and I just bought cata a couple months ago, with that being said, I’ve searched for guide's and can't seem to find one so if you could help I would deeply appreciate it.
So I just hit 80 last night on my warrior, what should I do? Does anyone recommend doing something different since cata is now getting in a groove and it'll be my first time doing the content? -Should I go hyjal or vash'jir? Should I have gone and done the dungeons early? What is a great way for a freshly hit 80 to take on cataclysm.
Should I Go Hyjal or Vash'jir?
-Many would recommend Hyjal over Vashj'ir since Vashj'ir starts off fairly slow given the fact that you don't get the Seahorse mount until about an hour in, but it was still fun for me. I would definitely recommend doing both at some time but it's 50/50 on which one to start in. Should I bought green off the AH at level 78-79?
- No. Don't waste the wow gold since quest rewards start to immediately replace your LK gear. My 7/12 ICC gear was completely replaced by 83, with the first pieces starting to go before 81. Should I Have Gone And Done The Dungeons Early?
- Not sure exactly what you mean by this one since I don't think you can do any Cata dungeons pre-80. I would definitely recommend sitting in queue as you quest if you're DPS; if you're a tank or healer then jump into queue whenever you feel like breaking up the questing monotony.
The capital letters are really odd looking, the more I think about it the weirder it is. I mean that's a purposely done thing it’s not like they forgot their caps lock.  just follow the quests from Stormwind and pick either starting area, next time you level a character just try the opposite one, don't buy gear and do dungeons as and when you want too.
Hyjal is more fun than vash. The quest chains all link together very well. I would focus on doing an entire zone at a time before moving on to the next. If you don't follow the quests, it could be tough to backtrack. I did this by accident myself. You will probably need some cat gear but don’t buy from the AH. You should have all your gear replaced by quest rewards before level 82. If anything I would recommend the biggest bags you can afford, best flying/riding you can afford and professions as high as possible. Then you needn’t cheap wow gold.
I've done both on separate characters; first I stuck throughout Hyjal with some quips in Vash'jir (first time through, wasn't sure what to do) and then on my second 80 I did Vash'jir throughout without touching Hyjal at all (went back at 85 to unlock reps and grab easy quest gold). Then you will no need to buy wow gold anymore.
IMO Hyjal is more fun, it's also more useful to do Hyjal early on for rep purposes; for some odd (and annoying) reason, Earthen Ring rep in Vash'jir just isn't happening. The quest lines in Vash'jir aren't boring at all, unless you have an issue with navigating in 3D under water, but I found it smoother to do it at 85 on my spare time just for gold and vendorable/DEable rewards.
More news:iTunes Gift Cards

More Interesting Things in RuneScape than Love

As the game market emerged in industry, there are many online games. EVE, RuneScape, Guild Wars 2 are all the games loved by many players. And this problem has brought many issues to the society. Love online is one of these issiues.
As an online game player, an objective of the RuneScape to evaluate the game, the game should be said that skill is really doing well, but I do not like this game, but also do not like "giant" for the simple reason that the game too costs money, even if you fill it hit one million children on the 8000, you will still find yourself in a waste of RS gold!
But a businessman's point of view into consideration this issue, I had to admire his wisdom, had to admire his research on the Chinese players and had to admire his new interpretation of the game!
Just as do the tricks in the play after he took pains to make all men launched a brand new concept of the player catching: beauty certified!
Putting aside the certification of non-success of this beauty, not to think about it or the purpose of speculation or not, just from a simple understanding of the term, we can easily discovered a problem, that is, in today's online games, in addition to games, Players must still pursue something?
The answer is simple:
Love! Virtual love! Or that looks like a virtual love! Male players know. The real women who do play online games are very few beauties! However, knowing this, most of the male players will still cook in their own minds such a dream: some day, in a chance, the understanding of the other players, and this player is actually a really beautiful, And through the game you can actually own and she started a romantic love story!
This is not male-patent, I believe that female players into the online game's virtual world, but also more or less have the same kind of idea. Therefore, it is possible in the online game platform on the interpretation of the vicissitudes of life. The pursuit of love is not wrong, but this virtual world of love really be called love? I do not deny that there are love, I also really close friends through the game to find his life partner, but are few in the network game filled with love, most should be classified as impulsive and sensual! But in my opinion, the love in RuneScape is a matter of RS items.
In fact, there are many interesting for you to pursuit, such as the beautiful scene to enjoy, the tough items to get, the process of the game itself, so you can distract your attention to the game, but not the person who play the game. You can buy rs gold on MMOXE.COM to enjoy the game itself.
More news:EQ2 plat

The Cool Ending of the Game Guild Wars 2

If it's like Guild Wars 1, it's hub/instance relation may not be - the article is hard to parse), every battle area is an instanced zone - social interaction is largely limited to safe, hub zones where you trade, chat, etc. If you want to group up with some people and fight stuff, you do so in the hub before leaving as a group for the instance battle area, where killing ensues.
Combat in GW1 (and probably this game) is very twitch-based. You acquire skill points by leveling up or questing with many Guild Wars 2 gold, and can buy new skills from a trainer - you have a hotbar with 8 slots for 8 skills (no doubles). Before leaving a hub/going to battle, you set your 8 skills and cannot change them until you reach a safe hub again. There's also some other mechanics involving learning super skills from monsters, but you can only have one of those "Elite" skills at a time (they are generally much more decisive/powerful than normal ones).
You also had 2 classes - primary and secondary. Primary was permanent, but in GW1 there was a storyline quest that allowed you to change change secondary class when you complete it. You can only use your primary class's armor, but you could use any weapon. In addition, you could use skills of your secondary class in addition to your primary one, whichever it may be at the time.
PvP and Guilds are pretty intertwined (thus, Guild Wars). There are traditional gameplay modes like capture the flag, or domination/defend the x, but combat is the same as normal PvE stuff (set hotbar before going into battle, can't change until after). Guild vs Guild matches change the guild's ranking overall (not sure exactly what this entailed game wise, I know IRL it qualified your team for actual tournaments with cash prizes). This is also where the endgame is really at - finding good builds/team make-up.
I miss anything crucial, guys?
They've said that they are going to use a persistent world with GW2 and tone down the instancing a bit. I don't know if they are going to keep the level cap at 20 or not but GW1 had an option to start as a 20th level character for arena use which was very nice. The other thing that should be mentioned is that GW has a very strong metagame due to the hundreds of skills available for each class and only being able to select 8 at load out.
Also they have said that, as with GW1, there will be no monthly fee for GW2. Looks, pretty. How do you play this game? I'm looking forward to this, especially after WoW bankrupts me. You can NOT build an MMO without grinding. So there will be grinding in this game.
The ending is cool. So you can experience the coolness in the game by yourself, and you can buy Guild Wars 2 gold on MMOXE.COM.
More news:Rappelz Gold

How to Get Start with the New Game

I'm fairly new to the game but having difficulty finding what add on to look for to help me quest and just ask it a little easier. I don’t know where to find it but a friend said I need quest helper? And some other type of maps or something. I used to play ever quest but I don’t know much about wow.
Carbonite is a great addon with a map-quest data- and coordinates. Deadly boss mods you will need for heroics and raiding once you progress into the game, and recount/skada helps you track many things including dps, interrupts, etc. Everything from there is just for simplicity.
Do yourself a favor and install Tukui. You'll be glad you did. If you play a healer, learn mouseover macros. If you play a tank, get TidyPlates: Threat Plates. Otherwise for leveling, there aren't a lot of add-ons that are very much more helpful than Blizzard's default questing interface. Then wow gold will not be a problem.
The site you want to go to for addon is curse.com. There are a plethora of addons available for every conceivable aspect of the game from Fishing to Role playing, and for every class and role.
A few of my favourites for leveling include ArkInventory, Auctionator, Accountant, Deadly Boss Mods and Omen Threat Meter to name a few. Play around with addons, see what interests you and fits your style. You needn’t cheap wow gold anymore.
As Arkayn said though, there aren't many questing addons that bring much to the table now that the UI has been revamped, and the quest lines lineated. With very few exceptions, you pick up a starter quest or two in a zone, and you more or less get led by the nose through till the end. Long gone are the days of needing Tom Tom, Quest helper and a good leveling guide. The zone maps and tracking options are also head and shoulders above what they once were.
At a minimum I recommend a bag/inventory management addon such as ArkInventory or Bagnon, and if you plan on grouping for dungeons you should run Deadly Boss Mods and Omen. If you are a completist and want to find every quest in each zone then you would also want Quest Completist which lists every quest available by zone/instance, checks them off once you are done, and shows the location of every quest giver on your map (for quick access I have this addon key bound to. And I never buy wow gold anymore.
If you're new to the game I wouldn't recommend getting addons. Blizzard has made it fairly easy to quest now with area-marking on your map and all. The reason many players do the quests so fast is mainly because they've been playing for so long, and they know where all the requirements for their quests are. We've all been through what you're going through. I'd say don't be so hasty. Complete the quests. Enjoy the storylines and pull through the frustration. Everyone be where you're at, at some point.

The Brief Introduction of Seeking Team in RIFT

Overseas media massively game "RIFT" the relevant column recently introduced evaluation of a "RIFT" team will seek a system to group. In the article, author Justin Olivetti makes a brief introduction combination of the other game system and the role and potential problems from the perspective of evaluation of this system. The final is looking forward the team to seeking improvements.
The most important in "RIFT" version 1.2 update is the introduction of team systems, the system facilitates the search for team players looking for a copy of his teammates and team challenge tasks, which dramatically changed the "RIFT" game experience. You can have different experience with your RIFT gold in the game.
The first team they seek is "World of Warcraft" team. The most famous system is the "World of Warcraft" system. Blizzard established a perfect system in "World of Warcraft" version 3.3.0 for the team, so players do not have the time and effort for the challenge of finding and five copies of a collection of teammates. Since then, many games have followed suit, although the system does not necessarily apply to all games, but in the "cracks", this system can be said that the tools must be introduced as soon as possible.
A brief introduction of looking for Group system: In this brief introduction you can seek other similar systems to team up. If the player attempts to challenge a copy, he should first open the associated window, choose to challenge a copy (or Select) and the desired role. "World of Warcraft", the role is divided into (1) tanks (2) treatment (3) damage dealer. "RIFT" is added "assist" the role (Bard, Archon).
Subsequently, the role players will enter the queue state, and the system began to challenge the same copy of the match the players. If the challenge is more than the copy number of players, then this process is very rapid, but less if the player or the lack of a role, which requires a waiting period of time. System to complete the match, the players will be prompted whether to enter, if all players are ready, it will be automatically transferred to the copy of the entry. If the team finished copy, you will get an extra bonus. This is currently used is very similar to PVP battleground queuing mechanism, of course, the role due to the need to maintain balance will slightly complicated. If you want to avoid the complicated task, you can have your RIFT powerleveling on MMOXE.COM to enjoy the easy fun.
Looking for Group system, there is another advantage. This system can help players better understand their profession and role, and then adjust the copy of the Society to prepare the team for the challenge, of course, including the game's ultimate challenge. Many online games do not do this resulting in many players do not understand their role in the team, and missed the game makes them the ultimate challenge.

Privileged Informational Access to SWTOR

In the wars in the galaxy, the galactic republic as peace barriers have continues for generations. In the jedi guardian's brave defense, a civilization progress and the galactic republic's best hope of unity. However, in the depths of the cosmic unknown, powerful sith empire quietly rise. The empire is the force of the dark side of the sith Lord chief, and they long for the hegemony of the Milky Way, trying to old enemy-the jedi revenge. After centuries of preparation, the return of the sith time has come. The empire sent large fleet and daring paratroopers surprise, quickly occupied the launch of a number of the world outside, causing the history of the war never before seen. From the frozen wastes Tim packs to the desert wasteland who worked, after a fierce battle all 1 million v. Although already statement neutral, mercury, south to be wiped out surface buildings but, forcing the local people have to the sea catfish in solitude.
The above is the background of the coming game SWTOR. What do you think of this game. The voies of this same is different. What is your voice? Played and like older mmos more, or what are considered niche mmos. But I know very clearly that BW make their product on the goals of the WOW crowd, they are looking for millions of subs instead of tens or hundreds of thousands.
SWTOR is different from what you think makes SWG seem like a true Star Wars game, because its based the rise of Darth Vader which is 4000 years before. The story occurs after the first Sith War (Knights of the Old Republic). The entire thing that BioWare does is from scratch George Lucas started the story at Episode IV. Thus there is no reasonable and reliable storyline for BioWare to follow for that in Star Wars Lore for SWTOR to follow. Please cut them some slack, you should not hate a game that is still in Stage 1 Beta Testing, Wait till you either get in to Closed Beta or Open Beta(which ever happens first) Play it longer than 30 minutes and then come back and say you hate it. Until you have tried something all your claims of hatred is just an assumption.
The time at which it takes place has got nothing to do with why this particular SW fan and MMO gamer isn't interested. It's the scope of game play that they are focusing on versus what I believe should be offered in a SW setting. I don't need to wait til beta to "check it out" to know if I'm interested. I can read. What they state they want to do with the game does not sound appealing to me.
I firmly believe that this game SWTOR will turn out to be a success. The Old Republic is recognized as one of the most expected online massive games of this year. Although, it is not on the Market yet, the SWTOR Credits have been in hot sales already. On MMOXE, the leading gaming service organization, SWTOR Credits is on the top of the hot sale items. Many players have already gone to buy swtor credits to wait the game’s release. MMOXE is among the websites the gamers go most frequently.
Fortunately I also have privileged informational access from which a very educated opinion has been made.


Game Industry Coexist with Movie Industry

As the vast developing of games, it is popular among the public. And the plot in the game also gets much attention from the public. For example, RuneScape, EVE, Guild Wars 2 has been played by many people. The topic has been in the society. I do not know when people ear heard such a sound: The game will eventually replace film. My view is not, because they are the two entertainment industry side by side. The RS gold and movies can be sold on the same plat.
Although the performance of two different forms: the film is mainly narrative slowly to the audience the story of the story in general are also predetermined; and games tend to allow players to become part of the story or characters, the player selected by the end of the story. However, no matter games, or movies they all worth mentioning, in fact, a kind of entertainment for people of industry, the final analysis, in order to bring joy and relaxation.
Recent Internet rumors as "Grand Theft Auto 4" for sale in North America resulting in "turned out", the North American box office, especially for new listings Iron Man a lot of influence. I personally think that the credibility of the news is not high, probably ROCKSTAR themselves pretending to be a gimmick for advertising their products; even if true, this is a rare one example. Because movies and games are very different to adapt to the crowd because they are not the same, so they have their own supporters, who went out who the possibilities are almost zero. If this really be a day game instead of the film, it is estimated the world will mess up. Imagine the world of movie stars are laid off, they can not trouble you? Their fans will not trouble you? Moreover, virtual things real people can not replace a human to interpret their own story, which is in the American film "Virtual Idol. There are well represented.
In recent years the cooperation between the film and game very close, a lot of hit movies such as <Spider-Man> <Pirates of the Caribbean> <Transformers> and so was adapted into the game, and a lot of games have been into movies such as <Resident Evil> <Silent> <Yakuza> <Dead or Alive> so, the major game companies and movie studios are cashing in full grin. Thus, the relationship between movies and games are not enemies but friends. In fact, as early as <Super Mario> era of cooperation between the two began, and interested friends can surf the Internet and look.
In fact, the game RuneScape also has the same name movie. I do not know whether it is the adaption of the movie, but they have something in common. For exmple, the equipment in the movie sometimes is shown as the RS items in the game. So I believe the game and movie will coexist.
Although words can not say anything dead, anything is possible. But now look at the game is unlikely to replace the film, really small. So no matter you buy rs gold on MMOXE.COM or buy movie ticket to see a movie, it is worth.

The Learning of Invincible Monk

People who have not played this game do not understand while playing this game now I think people should know it. It is to be invincible monk tutorial "misleading" - Mo / W is the vice occupation soldiers. In fact, the words of deputy career with the soldiers. Nothing wrong with this combination is one of them. But this is not the best combination of a monk is not invincible vice career hereby I need to use my skill shot up. For your reference it is as follows:
However, the selected sub-professional invincible monks undoubtedly accelerated the speed of play money, while it is also consistent with the invincible monk character, but how to choose the deputy job? Correct use of the strengths and Guild Wars 2 gold of the various occupations Domination vice is the best choice.
The reason is that using the [magic echo] can not add any points and no attribute skills. With the trial of the shield to use, you can use a dual effect of the trial, the advantage of unlimited re-use if the use of time to master, in each of two trials (one cycle) is only about 3 second intervals (this is [the magic echo] 2 - and [the trial Shield] 1 second cast time) -- premise of magic needed 20% longer weapons and blessing aura.
In the six occupations, as well as who has a strong attack force? The answer is an element messenger. A strong element of magic attack power of the occupation, the Select Element messenger as deputy job is the best choice, so I recommend the skills.
Sub-skills that can replace the figure of the first skills (fanatic of sparks) reasons: one is a group attack skills and it is essential. Second, the magic time is short, not easy to be interrupted. Three skills recovering period is short, repeated times faster and more. And the disadvantage is 15 energy needs, but the monk has long been an unrivaled solution to this problem, so do not have to worry about.
In fact there are many skills available in the battle of the world, not the best and only best for you, which requires players to develop their own As for invincible monk tutorial here is no longer about. Line has been able to find many places. Another monk skill points and then you can attach the personal invincible deployment method for your reference.
My personal feeling is good. Allocation is reasonable. But there is no waste, but also the specific circumstances of individual adjustments. These are only a reference to hope that we can make a more reasonable opinion. Then if you are interested in the characters, the skills, the tasks in the game, you can buy Guild Wars 2 gold on MMOXE.COM. More Gudild Wars 2 news


Features of Plug-in in the Game

Other features, such as automatic eating blood, eating blue automatic, in some respects to the players who did provide a lot of convenience, and Master skills such as auto-open on the secondary shield allows players to not think too many things at the same time, such as The Master and automatic shield with auto-open the blood after eating. You can not control defense, and direct onslaught on the line.
The legend of the early plug is free to use, and adding to the game itself does not have the features that make the game more close to the people, difficulty of use - similar to the existing "World of Warcraft," "JX three" plug-ins and other games such as the RuneScape, for example, players also can use plug-in to upgrade RS items and rs equipment. Production of plug-in make up for the game of their function, and it is free for players to use, and these functions are also the major free future games into the game, which is known as the hanging.
Over time, the plug makers have begun to satisfy with the current function, to develop some more powerful plug-in, such as acceleration, second one plug-in, you can make your attack speed, attack speed, or double - if you use and your opponent does not use, then it is clear that the attack frequency, attack occupy a huge advantage that you can quickly kill the opponent, while the speed increase allows you to beat or kill the opponent more convenient time. This period began this powerful plug-hung sale on the internet (MMOXE.COM) - you can use the free version, and use some basic functions, but the paid version can provide more services. Obviously, the speed, functionality second person join to completely destroy the ecological balance of the game. R & D team for the efforts of all professional balance reduced to ashes. This time the feeling is that as a player, a lot of plug-out after a period of time needs to be updated version, or for a plug-in - because the plug-in has been the sealing of the big game.
Here I want to say that Shanda's attitude towards plug in the treatment on the issue of plug-in is commendable. Their efforts to crack down on the plug-in operators than the miracle of the ninth city are much higher, or a miracle would not sink so quickly, while the legendary series of games is not only alive to the present, but also contributed to today's big game 60-70 % of revenue. There are two means: Firstly, incorporate features plug-in enhanced usability game. Secondly, the game balance against external damage, such as acceleration plug-in, extended play life. Shanda operation and maintenance department Mr. Huang Xiaohu, in 2010 China Game Developers Conference keynote speech, specifically mentioned the operation and maintenance from the perspective of how to combat plug method. Suppress the external forces of various departments showing the importance attached to their big game. No matter the effect of the plug-in is how much to the game, we can enjoy our game at hand. And we can buy rs gold to get into the game.
Read more:RS gold

Artifacts, a Ggood Way to Make Money for You in Rift

RIFT is popular MMORPG among online players. I played rift for three years. I level my character fast and don’t need to buy rift gold online. My character is a Warlock. I don’t think rift gold is the most important thing you need. You should just remember the fun of the game.
Collecting sets of artifacts is favourite game in Rift. When you collect more artifacts you can find a copy of an artifact. You have been selling these as ‘junk’ to vendors around Telara, for a measly 1 silver like I did. Actually you could make more money by selling off your spare or even uncollected artifacts. Then you will not worry about the RIFT Power Leveling Do you want to know the methods? I will show you how to make it come true. Follow me! 
To tell you the truth, I am not happy and excited at first when I discovered this strategy. In fact, my heart is broken. When I opened up the ‘Collections’ tab in the auction house, in my first sight, I saw a shade marked bone artifact was sold for 1 silver to a General Goods vendor on the auction house. However, it is bidding to 45 gold. To this day, I was confused to think of all the money I wasted selling artifacts for a pittance before I discovered this strategy.
I do not give up this strategy because I tell myself to believe the faith. I keep looking for the artifacts. With glowing white points of light, you could find it around the rocks and trees and are generally a little bit off the beaten track, away from main roads. But I had stumbled across an artifact collection point in 5 minutes.
I had sold one of artifacts which is nearly 1 platinum, however it is valued only 1 silver in the game. Do you want to know why are people willing to pay so much for items the game values at 1 silver? The reason is they are money rich and time poor. As we know, hunting for artifacts will take time and patience for the players, whereas players with money to burn would rather pick and choose the artifacts they need to complete their sets. It is very frustrating for players to find duplicates. So at this condition, they would often rather solve the problem with coin! So it is time that you could earn more money.
I will talk about some basic strategy to make money from duplicate artifacts to every player. I sell all of the artifacts even those I haven’t yet collected at level 22. Maybe you will think that I am crazy, but hear me out here. If you want to make money, it requires capital and something you have a lot less of at these relatively early stages of leveling compared to the end-game. Through rafting, or flipping items on the auction house, I can use capital to make more wealth for my character just now.
At last, you should make sure that you can stop and collect the material when you’re going through Telara on your mount and spot the tell-tale shimmer of an artifact collection point. If you know those above, you never know how valuable what you find will be to money rich, time poor player.
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Specification of Guild Wars 2

Recently, I have got into Guild War 2 and I am studying about the races in the game. The following are the two I am interested in. If you want to play the game, you can buyGuild War 2 gold to get into the game. Let’s have knowledge about the game.
Z axis will be introduced into Guild Wars 2, allowing you to jump, but the mouse function will be canceled in order to more easily select the target. The new system will allow players to climb over the barriers to swimming and even gliding other so-called "RPG" game simply to the task to promote the development of the story. And "Guild Wars 2" game will be out of the general upgrade long process, repetitive game play to enhance the game's narrative, while the player's behavior will affect the game's development process, so each player can have different game play experience. NPC Zhan and other game-style interaction patterns are different, players in "Guild Wars 2" and game characters will be more interactive. "Guild Wars 2" will weaken the concept of team or association to solve problems in the team. Players team up or join a guild without prior may with the surrounding players to do the task, beating monsters. Mike said in the article: "When a player to kill monsters, the only team where the players, other players can contribute to the experience and get 100% bonus." This will change the traditional way for game players, ArenaNet hope to enhance the interaction between players and encourage more players to complete the task through collaboration, rather than individual combat.
On the other hand, technology should be with the traditional way of fighting the same charges. Guild Wars 2 will use the buy-out system, and do not have monthly fees. Guild Wars 2 will be a mid-range configuration to the normal operation of the game, but fighting has a higher than some of the configuration requirements. Guild Wars 2 will continue to holiday activities and events graphic JAMES Phinney in his "Imagine Guild Wars 2" article that the number of polygons and texture allowance should be increased, he hoped that it looks beautiful, "looks like a new game". Geller said the game will support DirectX 10, but it is not mandatory requirements. Guild Wars 2, continuing to make the game be on multiple servers or "WORLD", the player will not be limited to the WORLD, and players can match their own areas to change the world rankings. Regional competition is part of the WORLD, not only a branch.
Of course, there will be some changes. Also it appears similar to the traditional use in other settings for multiplayer online games, Guild Wars 2 might allow players to interact, explore the world. Some cases also are used for tasks, and dungeons. An "Event System" will be used to inform the players WORLD of events: for example, the return of dragon battle music is arranged by composer Jeremy Soule, and Guild Wars 2 will be re-written the music. The role of a player can play any way battle between PVE and PVP World. PVP server accounts a player which can create multiple roles. The role of the level cap will increase. Some people think that this may be as many as 100 or even 9,000 level. Do you want to play the game? If you want to, here I recommend a website for you to buy Guild War 2 gold: MMOXE.COM.