
Enjoy the fun of enemy light cavalry siege on PS3

Other villages were transported to the castle of wood, stone and asphalt and other materials, repair walls and create traps for the preparation. The first siege of the enemy light cavalry, every few minutes there will be more than 10 attacks, these guys are very durable, saw the opportunity to put the first roller knocked them dismount, and then shot with a catapult and dull to kill. You are to send archers stationed to the top of the tower, leaving a few below a spear soldiers on patrol, and other stone tower built between increased walls began.
Knights kill four batches of light immediately after the ambush were dull car out of the city on both sides of the open space, and soon arrived at the main siege two siege camps will be built. Before they destroy them create siege equipment, catapults to withdraw Cheng Gen Office, and then send fast moving speed close to the wall to attract the enemy archers. Soldiers, and the walls bow out incompetent catapults them kill each batch, the task is completed. With PlayStation Network Card you can enjoy this game on your PS3. There will be differences between the relevant points.
The shut off is a defense, resource collection is difficult, and land is also tense, and the arrangement according to a certain suspension of production, careful consideration. 100 honors to buy flowers at the beginning of next territory, in the woods built sawmill. And then build two carriage shed. With PSN card this game is for you to enjoy. They were transported to the main city of wood and asphalt, the asphalt at the beginning of the main city enough, the first two proposed carriage shed. All transport timber, so that the main construction of the city faster.
Soon the enemy began several waves of attack, the city is divided into several groups of pike men patrol in the Law on the walls, in ditches and asphalt repair outside the trap, the enemy's siege ladder up soldiers with a spear destroyed, so the enemy Archers roller up and ignited the asphalt ditch came alive again. With PlayStation Network Cards you can add this game to your PS3 play list. After 2 times in resisting the attack, it is a little rich resource, building workshops and blacksmiths workshop recruitment swordsman armor. Then you built towers in the walls, built above the fire in the dull cars, more asphalt repair ditch outside the city.
The third or fourth attack enemy hammer will break the city, sent out to cut swordsman. Time coming battle, the enemy will build siege camps by the two valleys. Two stocks combined forces launched the offensive towards the castle. Soldiers with a spear hit the ladder, fire truck remote dull hammer to break the city. In the end put the roller out of the city after the Swordsman against the enemy's swordsmen. You remember to stay in the fortress to protect several lords.

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