
Battle Swordsman detailed experience and skills

Make a lot of wind, so the clothes to prevent the main power. It is best not to stick with renewable energy, like high attack power, with the best instruments renewable energy. Such instruments will increase because of additional life, and this will not stick. So this way, you energy regeneration, but increased the value of your magic number, a short time to make your release more magic.
What people have to kill this character very quickly? General Job protection monks difficult to kill, but I met this person, I have been burned him, he did not barely, and the other meteors can hit him, and interfere with his actions, let him die faster. Temple Fantasy play sword fighters talk about the benefits that the individual: an average of sword attack more attacks speed faster than the hammer. And ax much worse. The skills of the sword, but less strong, cross veins and the final blow is strong skills. You can Buy UGC Online to enjoy strong skills. Good properties of the more explosive the sword, looks cool, for example the fire dragon!
Because of language problems, and so basically the tutorial is not much else about the game, started to play in front of strange and gradually extended outward, the higher the level of blame! I was such a hit, but much slower than others to read! As the skills to use, so the skills to understand the most! To Buy Ultimate Game Card you are able to enjoy this game. The final blow to lose all the rage, if you hit an additional 1-40 points of damage. It is the other 50% of the blood, the additional attacks doubled.
Do not look very good additional attack skills are not high, but the effect is very strong. A 500 hit on the blood of soldiers only 400 blood drawing and there are bloody. You hit a lame leg, bloody and action to slow the other 3-15 seconds. Good magic skills, but the cost of 10 soldiers is a bit big for pull. Savage hit if hit, interrupt each other using the skills and additional 1-40 points of damage. With Ultimate Game Card you can enjoy even more games. If the person did not use skills, equal to the normal attacks. Very good skills, very few people will generally short with the skills to play defense, and the other 80% of the time the general use of skills, so this skill is useful.
The hit of the blade to explore additional 1-20 points of damage. If they are to ward off additional 1-16 points of damage, skills will not be Danger. If you hit the cut veins, causing bleeding in 5-30 seconds. A good skill because it is caused by bleeding in the strongest of several bleeding skills, anger requirements are very low. If you hit a perfect additional 24 hit points, attack, this skill cannot Danger and parry, but not one in the state to use.

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