
Battle Swordsman detailed experience and skills

Make a lot of wind, so the clothes to prevent the main power. It is best not to stick with renewable energy, like high attack power, with the best instruments renewable energy. Such instruments will increase because of additional life, and this will not stick. So this way, you energy regeneration, but increased the value of your magic number, a short time to make your release more magic.
What people have to kill this character very quickly? General Job protection monks difficult to kill, but I met this person, I have been burned him, he did not barely, and the other meteors can hit him, and interfere with his actions, let him die faster. Temple Fantasy play sword fighters talk about the benefits that the individual: an average of sword attack more attacks speed faster than the hammer. And ax much worse. The skills of the sword, but less strong, cross veins and the final blow is strong skills. You can Buy UGC Online to enjoy strong skills. Good properties of the more explosive the sword, looks cool, for example the fire dragon!
Because of language problems, and so basically the tutorial is not much else about the game, started to play in front of strange and gradually extended outward, the higher the level of blame! I was such a hit, but much slower than others to read! As the skills to use, so the skills to understand the most! To Buy Ultimate Game Card you are able to enjoy this game. The final blow to lose all the rage, if you hit an additional 1-40 points of damage. It is the other 50% of the blood, the additional attacks doubled.
Do not look very good additional attack skills are not high, but the effect is very strong. A 500 hit on the blood of soldiers only 400 blood drawing and there are bloody. You hit a lame leg, bloody and action to slow the other 3-15 seconds. Good magic skills, but the cost of 10 soldiers is a bit big for pull. Savage hit if hit, interrupt each other using the skills and additional 1-40 points of damage. With Ultimate Game Card you can enjoy even more games. If the person did not use skills, equal to the normal attacks. Very good skills, very few people will generally short with the skills to play defense, and the other 80% of the time the general use of skills, so this skill is useful.
The hit of the blade to explore additional 1-20 points of damage. If they are to ward off additional 1-16 points of damage, skills will not be Danger. If you hit the cut veins, causing bleeding in 5-30 seconds. A good skill because it is caused by bleeding in the strongest of several bleeding skills, anger requirements are very low. If you hit a perfect additional 24 hit points, attack, this skill cannot Danger and parry, but not one in the state to use.

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Enjoy the fun of enemy light cavalry siege on PS3

Other villages were transported to the castle of wood, stone and asphalt and other materials, repair walls and create traps for the preparation. The first siege of the enemy light cavalry, every few minutes there will be more than 10 attacks, these guys are very durable, saw the opportunity to put the first roller knocked them dismount, and then shot with a catapult and dull to kill. You are to send archers stationed to the top of the tower, leaving a few below a spear soldiers on patrol, and other stone tower built between increased walls began.
Knights kill four batches of light immediately after the ambush were dull car out of the city on both sides of the open space, and soon arrived at the main siege two siege camps will be built. Before they destroy them create siege equipment, catapults to withdraw Cheng Gen Office, and then send fast moving speed close to the wall to attract the enemy archers. Soldiers, and the walls bow out incompetent catapults them kill each batch, the task is completed. With PlayStation Network Card you can enjoy this game on your PS3. There will be differences between the relevant points.
The shut off is a defense, resource collection is difficult, and land is also tense, and the arrangement according to a certain suspension of production, careful consideration. 100 honors to buy flowers at the beginning of next territory, in the woods built sawmill. And then build two carriage shed. With PSN card this game is for you to enjoy. They were transported to the main city of wood and asphalt, the asphalt at the beginning of the main city enough, the first two proposed carriage shed. All transport timber, so that the main construction of the city faster.
Soon the enemy began several waves of attack, the city is divided into several groups of pike men patrol in the Law on the walls, in ditches and asphalt repair outside the trap, the enemy's siege ladder up soldiers with a spear destroyed, so the enemy Archers roller up and ignited the asphalt ditch came alive again. With PlayStation Network Cards you can add this game to your PS3 play list. After 2 times in resisting the attack, it is a little rich resource, building workshops and blacksmiths workshop recruitment swordsman armor. Then you built towers in the walls, built above the fire in the dull cars, more asphalt repair ditch outside the city.
The third or fourth attack enemy hammer will break the city, sent out to cut swordsman. Time coming battle, the enemy will build siege camps by the two valleys. Two stocks combined forces launched the offensive towards the castle. Soldiers with a spear hit the ladder, fire truck remote dull hammer to break the city. In the end put the roller out of the city after the Swordsman against the enemy's swordsmen. You remember to stay in the fortress to protect several lords.

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Fighting skill system as the base of the clan system

Fighting skill system mainly in the task, interactive game with MMORPG players and personal and small-scale systems as the base of the clan system, the team will map into the business district and the combat zone task. Around the figure move or walk can be taken between the transmission moves. Task is essentially complete between player’s team together, players in the business district out to team requirements, according to team captain continued to select members of the occupational composition of the rest of the team members to determine the correct after entering the battlefield.
these tasks require very strict, for example, there is no priest team, then each player will need to take a regular skill, this skill can revive teammates, but the task can only be used once inside, you need to say how good this match? But I know I play a new game, a "new" game, rather than in the drink into goblet filled. You can Buy UGC Online to enjoy more play tasks in the game. In a 5 on 5 games, sea LAG cannot be overcome due to ashes, and the network on the situation is completely resolved by the Society of substitutions. Skills to select, skill use, job matching, team composition, formation, post moves, with, timing, individual tactics, these are the key to success.
Currently already launched worldwide tournaments, constantly updated list to all the winners of the honor have been met. Society can win a lot of details get to design their own castle, using a dedicated guild chat channel, with its own guild hall, and so on. Earned enough money in the company after the huge bonus I do not think the goal is not expected. This has nothing to do with the game play, but this is a great initiative! You can Buy Ultimate Game Card to enjoy this game with better skills.
However, for the "battle", I just need to download a number K of the guidance program, and then download the program by the number of M's guide, including creating the role of interface, etc., and then downloaded into the scene when the content of the scene. In short what is the need for the first time when the re-use temporary download. With Ultimate Game Card you will have a good weekend in the game. This sometimes makes people feel bored especially when I enter a new scene each has to spend a few minutes to wait for the download.
After all, I have been playing, and fear is because few people cannot stand to wait a few minutes to download and exit the scene does not play, but once the client to download a few G's too many people is enough to keep out. Obviously, the game faulty reasons, it is not because the draft of this article is not a gun articles. Battle has many drawbacks, and almost all point to the same adjectives stingy.
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Sleeve knife dagger sword related to counter-attack

The area at this time the map is on the left, the old routine. You just find a tower the investigation. You can at least get three pieces of information take the feathers to the assassination target. Note that there is information in the walls of the survey. It is to steal difficult. It is recommended from the wall into the post, did not go out quickly when their stolen successful. Reach the assassination target, after the siege, the most.
Speed solution is to immediately run forward down the target and then quickly change bayonet assassination. The original story is not really and the target is a woman. The enemy attack and defense seem to have very high. You can use Assassins Creed Revelations CD Key to enjoy more tasks. Both get out of wearing a helmet after the assassination of one target, easy to get pushed to the rear bayonet. Go to the Institute. Go to bed go to bed wake up on the electronic assassin.
And chieftain’s dialogue to export run and a return to village leaders and dialogue at the story pass a group of soldiers in the siege, the proposed example. BOSS has been the assassination of the resurrection of the whole siege. You can continue to get anti-hand counter. The simple way is to go to the bottom ready to knife distance, or long ladder to a high tower up to the knife. Final BOSS battle: he called out several commitments, play as above, and get after the story, a very common one duel with Assassins Creed Revelations Key. It sometimes pushed to the rear stealth, continues down the yard to find and tried to get after the assassination to the gold the ball go to the Institute.
After clearance subtitles can be more electronic bed, choose the middle of the DNA can continue to re-challenge of the customs. It cannot be completed prior to the completion of small tasks. Game clearance, no matter what others say, the game is for each individual, feel good to perfect. It is also into the end of the day PS3 version, but very worried about bloody degree of the problem. You can Buy Assassins Creed Revelations CD Key to have a fun with this game. Clearance after a few personal experiences, most of the playing friends should already know, but still write to share what.
The sleeve knife increased difficulty of the game: This game is no difficulty level setting. But if a good friend like self-flagellation about skill, you can artificially increase the difficulty. Not simply the self-flagellation, a gorgeous action to be seen. Some friends may not know the assassination, and in fact with the sleeve knife dagger sword as well as to counter-attack it, is wrong, is not simply defensive back. Generally lead by LT when the fighting began, the computer selected automatically locked out of the enemy sword, immediately after sampling the canonical signed by the sleeve into knives.


Traditional Competition for Games Being Fierce

It will be able to major online and traditional comparable to online games, while relying on their own without the game continued to pay the cost of features, it will spread like a virus to, players will gradually leave the field of large-scale online games, casual games into social networking. More players are willing to Buy UGC Online to play the game of this company, which makes big contribution for the income.
The two anonymous sources said, Zynga's IPO pricing plan has not been finalized, the future may change. Industry have pointed out, usually takes about two weeks roadshow, which means that Zynga will begin immediately after the listing in the Groupon road show.
Third quarter of 2011 to remove non-cash share, one-time adjustment of deferred tax assets and the payment of special cash dividends of foreign exchange earnings outside the Non-GAAP net income of 284.9 million, growth of 3.8% , an increase of 28.9%. The third quarter of 2011 removes non-cash share, one-time adjustment of deferred tax assets and the payment of special cash dividends of foreign exchange earnings outside the Non-GAAP net income was 62.2%.
"The talent strategy, R & D is the root of our company, the company has since its inception in retaining key talent has been doing very well in order to further attract and retain the best employees, particularly research and development personnel. This strategy of the company has brought more and more players to Buy Ultimate Game Card to play the games in the market. Our Board of Directors approved issued a number of restricted stock and because of the special dividend after the company's share price fell, the existing option re-pricing."
Such a huge Internet market is Ma so why the Internet is now "legendary doctor," shaking his head as the winter, why is the major gateway to the Internet everywhere "winter," the rumors, but also why this group of 147 million online games market, the industry gradually became high-profile demonstration of the "last straw." The game always brings more to spend much money on virtual goods such as Ultimate Game Card.
More and more businessmen began wading "gaming" the market, a phenomenon unprecedented in online game market is now showing the status of the domestic industry, but I think - after all, is an online entertainment, in which the entire Internet. Online games is really only a small branch, and he could provide to the people just simply entertainment and consumption. If, as when Charles Zhang said the Internet is "entertainment market", then the Internet may be as early as two years ago had already started to truly "winter".
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Optimistic Strategy being Useful for the Tasks in Game

In fact, true, not just the media optimistic about this product, as a more direct players. But they also must into the making of this. It is reported that only the first day, there are more than 100 million gamers pay for the game, even after a few hours later, still in the game outside the store, there are many people continue to line up. In this way, people surprise, because this is just a game, rather than a hardware product - a time. People are wiling to buy playstation network card online to try the new game. "Halo3" seems to have become the focus of attention, even with the Apple iPhone \ Nintendo WII on sale compared to the scene that day, but also had the surpasses it.
For the players, "Halo 3" is an absolute masterpiece of shock level, for the opponents. "Halo 3" is undoubtedly their nightmare, and for Microsoft, it's headed. "Halo 3" is a piece, and is a very important piece. "Halo 3" is the game's success is not only itself, but led the entire entertainment, business software and hardware upgrade.
Microsoft announced the end of October, according to the latest quarterly fiscal year, the company net profit of nearly $ 4.3 billion in the quarter grew 27% to $ 13.8 billion. Benefit from the "Halo 3" and XBOX 360's hot, is responsible for the Microsoft XBOX video game business, entertainment and gaming equipment sector, quarterly profit of up to $ 165 million, the entertainment and gaming equipment sector, sales rose 91% to $ 1.93 billion U.S. dollars. The sales of PSN card make big contribution.
"Halo 3" market, the target in addition to sales in order to improve the XBOX360, but of course the most important strategic significance. Fengyun important because the bomb was set off over the same period in another product, this is SCE's PS3 40G version of the new host. Clearly, "Halo 3" of the offer period is obviously from a new strategy for the PS3.
The SCE's slogan is "sniper" Halo 3 "", because "Halo 3" is too bright, it's there, so SCE and Nintendo are a huge threat. As the PS3 console now comes up less, and "Metal Gear Solid 4" and "Final Fantasy 13" and other works, or the weight of the flower of the mirror, they are able to fight "Halo 3", and only through a low-cost version of the PS3. They hope more players play the game with PlayStation Network Card. SCE hopes to 40G version of the new PS3 console, to achieve the holding "Halo 3" purposes.
To move into the first training game, you can use the left stick moves, right stick for the conversion perspective. Press the Y key to the game will enter first-person mode, this mode can be observed in addition to the surrounding circumstances, and you can identify the most important information of the NPC.

The Prefer in Game being the Direction in Tasks

Todd Howard said, "I prefer that this type of (single) game which most players prefer. I was not too cold for gaming and I respect them (online), I will look at them, But I really do not play them when I play a hero, I feel a strong sense of reality, and it (Elder Scrolls) been carefully built, purpose of doing so is to have the players to bring this feeling, while I know a lot of people want us to create a feeling of online games have come out, but for me. In that case, the original taste had changed."
Of course, just one person's favorite style is certainly not meeting the tastes of most players. More and more players are willing to Buy The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim cd key to maintain the fun in the game. Todd Howard said they want to develop their own style, so not interested in online games. He added: "We do our own thing. Each game has its own growth direction, so even if my boss did not give me pressure, and even let me go to make a change."
Although Todd Howard say, but this does not mean that the future will always be with Bethesda games insulation, such as Bethesda's parent company ZeniMax Online Game Studios, earlier this year in their studio in Ireland there erected a online customer server support equipment. Perhaps this also implies that they are doing to prepare for future plans.
"The Elder Scrolls 5 sky" will be on sale November 11 this year, as the present one of the most prestigious European and American RPG, rising popularity, the player will play the Warriors in the game, with the dragon fight. It has announced a limited edition game, also send a cool Limited Edition PAX host, "Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion" was introduced in 2002 as "The Elder Scrolls 3. At that time, the sales of Skyrim cd key were increased.
Morrowind" sequel, but as early as 3 launched after the production started, this time the company's goal is to produce a next-generation role-playing game. Players can play the game, if anxious to see the plot, story line can go, if you do not worry clearance, then the player can freely explore the game's vast world, which fully comply with the player's choice. And each character can choose to join unions, or factions, different unions have different story and plot.
The new AI settings, in the game, players can see a lot of the NPC, just like in real life, these people will work and rest time each day to live, they will sleep, worship, stem any possible things, which are all based on their surroundings due. At the same time, the Elder Scrolls Skyrim cd key was welcomed by many players. The most real, every NPC will have their own dialogue, and every word will appear in the real facial expressions, which can be attributed to the production team with excellent image technology.


Each PVP command of tactics and appropriate weapons

In PVP, even emphasize once again that no individual heroes, we must remember that unity is the main force. The captain not necessarily the President to discuss with everyone under the command of tactics, each PVP must have a tactical. if not the tactics went there also gone permissive, when we know everything after, according to advance the good arrange for their own tactical skills, according to their skills with their own appropriate weapons and equipment.
Secondary skills must not only consider their and you do have to consider with the right people. Here there is no such thing as a game in full-time doctors, not to the monks as a straw. If your team is really with the monks with skill points into full-time, then I tell you, you will be linked soon, do not believe? You try to know. There is no fighting and no garbage strongest most professional. Totally see you in your own personal understanding of the role and operations. To Buy UGC Online you can have a nice game play with these new roles. For example we called the most recognized professional "turn Nero Illusion" it. You go to operate it and see, Oh is not very depressed.
Great degree of freedom is in the game, or even to let you know what to. Man with a long "killed" experience, I feel pretty good use. The main purpose is to BUILD, the use of suffering. Disease state, into a covert attack, numerous hinder opponent harm, pursue each other with a high damage sword of death. Touch the disease must, no properties are Undead. Advantages of low consumption of magic, en 5 speed seconds. the focus is called the passage of time, you use the enemy of disease states, transitions to the other, can reduce the burden of our supply division, can also be a disguised attack can convert a lot of the state, there is bleeding and disability. With Ultimate Game Card you can often achieve unexpected results.
Self-complementary good heraldic treatment, do not consume. Sprint speed mobile high definition can often play the efficiency of the enemy, especially in pursuit or to help make up the knife. Success or failure is often the person survived because they were dying to change. You are suggested to Buy Ultimate Game Card to enjoy the new changes in the game, which will bring you more excitement. Elite sword skills fast sword, attack bad. To attack the enemy's broken leg broken leg, a sword with a disability module better, shortcomings consumption en 10 chases when used.
Strong impact personally feels a strong impact in pvp usefulness the cut is much higher. When the other party in pvp will put a lot of time to avoid or parry skills, injury is relatively high despite the cut, only the consumption of rage, but the attacks often come to nothing, and cannot be free to use.

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Stronghold 3 horn skills to destroy the wall to force through

Then use the Bedford Weir's Karman horn skills to destroy the wall to force through, swept the Saxon defenders occupied Stonehenge. Wizard Merlin's Dragon's Breath Magic lethal and lethal range is superb, to deal with cluster of Saxon wonders, but Merlin is very fragile and slow-moving, do not let him alone, close to the large group of enemy. Note the hero cannot return to the blood.
Ascended the throne of King Arthur in Avalon New Valley built near Karman Camelot castle and married Guinea Wei Princess. You need to fix the princess before the arrival of the castle. Goal: to complete before the arrival of the princess castle and hold, Arthur cannot be killed
The off relatively simple, as soon as possible to open two quarries, stone repair walls, bought the tower and the tower. Recommended within the castle walls removed to expand a little construction space does not affect the task of goal achievement. With Stronghold 3 key you can get goal achievement in this game as well. Handmade bow and arrow towers, some appropriate cross Archer shot Saxon, good results and spears. Often attack the enemy spears arranged on the wall to push the ladder. When the enemy siege technology with King Arthur's knights in the city under the call holding an enemy, it would greatly improve the hit rate of long-range forces.
Wei hunting Prince when Gore captured, sent his men trusted knight of King Arthur Lancelot to the rescue. Rescue was successful, but in the way home was to kill the enemy, wounded Lancelot hiding a castle and recuperates. He raised a good hurt again on the road before the castle with the queen must hold. Goal is to hold the castle until starting to prepare to do Lancelot, Lancelot cannot be killed. You can Buy Stronghold 3 cd key to have a fun in this refined strategic game. You will reach the goal.
The clearance is the first battle of King Arthur a more difficult hurdle. Storage field will start on the middle of the open space before the castle, barn on the ground after the middle of the castle, within the walls down at least two in the logging field not on the outside, it will easily demolished. Arrangement of food around the barn construction is food security tax after an early start. Made armory and barracks, move out of a swordsman, to a total of three swordsmen and Lancelot himself on the wall, at least two towers have a swordsman.
All bow force on the tower. The most threatening enemy off the arms of the devil (creeper), not afraid of bows and arrows, can climb walls and can assimilate a considerable number of archers and crossbow, simply Archer's nemesis, the proposed overlooking the enemy attack patterns observed with. Once the devil began to assimilate into the tower to be down immediately Swordsman will not be assimilated. With Stronghold 3 cd key Stronghold 3 is for you to enjoy.

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PS3 brings six exclusive rare unforgettable masterpiece games

Media Molecule's game playability is high, into lovely, creative and humorous and other factors. This ambitious work 2.5D and SONY's slogan, "the game, create, share" concept is very close. It is the core of user-created content. Clay animation style of the game screen, the player is simple operated sewing cute little puppet, crossing the path from the garden, graffiti cardboard, hessian bags and other familiar scenes of everyday life posed, and realistic physics simulation to provide a rich interaction. "Little Big Planet 2" is not a "platform game", but a "gaming platform." Highly creative individual games, there are unparalleled customization of the game, all of which can make you feel "Little Big Planet 2" bring the gaming experience change. Sack boy needs you!
Naughty Dog's "Uncharted 2" is definitely a masterpiece, which won the essence of the action adventure game, and has a very beautiful picture effects. With PSN card you can enjoy this Hollywood-style plot of the game and a lot of cute and memorable role. There is no doubt that this World Series game is a classic Masters level work, as the leading platform for exclusive PS3 game. It won numerous awards and great acclaim in the major media. Nathan Drake's Arab tour looks very competitive, which won Game of the Year award, easily beating the other competitors and surpass its predecessor, the buckle of people story, gorgeous picture and thrilling treasure hunt process, all of which everything to Laura lost face. For every PS3 gamers are necessary to play the game for.
PS3 players listen! Messenger of the sea to invade you! In October we put the "Ace Combat Assault Horizon," the idea that works of this heterogeneous blind stimulation. Live 2012 blood desperately. Dead Rising 2 After the bloody cruel how does that feel? Rush down! Games of November, soon to wind blowing it! Have the famous "MW3", "Assassin's Creed: Apocalypse," "The Elder Scrolls 5: the sky" and "Sonic Generation: White's time," etc., can be said that a lot of masterpiece a month. With PlayStation Network Card you can enjoy all of the games newly listed. One more is the 20th anniversary of sonic works. Well, get on the invaders from the sea have been unable to sit still, and let us in November aggression masterpiece now!
Quantico Dream's dream true masterpiece "Storm" During this time there appears to be very prominent role and full of real people buckle make this game the story is very special. This game uses the latest control technology to immerse the player in the game is easy to escape. Combination of gorgeous visuals, very wonderful performances, dialogue, and a variety of attractive choices affect the outcome. You can buy playstation network card online to play this fine game. All this make the game look very special. "Storm" will no doubt provide a very memorable gaming experience, even as a game industry artist.

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