
Sage life points with random monster combinations

If not, then Sage will be the player's moves and luck. Note that, here, when all the monsters are no specific initial target of. As long as you do not attack them, they will not deliberately kill you. Safer method is to keep going round and round on the sidelines, not too close with the monster, and not near the center of the field. While there may be a stray bullet hit, but will not die level. This time to stay on the stage of the food he sent in handy. Effective use of these foods should be easy to live through 40 seconds.
Level 10 BOSS battles, two kinds of BOSS in combination to extract one, the Master group and two head of cattle two kinds, the following were to explain. Master Group: Master a total of four Bulow strange is the enhanced version of the previous monsters, divided into four properties Addict brightness. There are several plays here. You can buy ultimate game card to join this game and enjoy the plays. If the team has a shield Sage, then put the middle group of ridicule and the presence of other defensive skills to attract the attention of monsters, while others will be able to see the scenery.
Frostbelt three directions, flying very slowly, but the power is amazing, the additional slowing. Skill 3: Blizzard, large regional effects of acceleration and deceleration caused by continuing injury, the power of this skill is also very general, but also good to hide, but space is limited post moves very annoying thing. With ultimate game card code you can play any of the characters as you like. Master the skills of ice are large-scale attack additional slowing effect, but the power is very high, then letting it run around you will find that we can less and less opportunity to fight back, it must first break.
fireball, a straight line trajectory of the flame attack, explosion, fire effects, the power is high, to keep moving as long as the state generally will not be hit, but should always pay attention. Fiery serpents, called the move certain induced fiery serpents to attack very slowly, the effects of this skill and the actual viewing area is difficult to grasp the effective range. With ultimate game card you can have a fun in the game. In short, you stay away from like. The threat is not great. Rain of Fire, called Rain of Fire high attack, attack power is high and is continuous.
Fire Master's attack power is high, but the trick will be greatly after sustained injuries, ruled out the ice after the primary target Master. Magic ball, fired with the Master of the general appearance of the same attack, but it will rear-end section of the magic ball 2, injury in general, but it is hard to avoid, it is recommended to keep their distance.

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