
Inevitable embarrassment in group battle fighting

The king on the floating island in a sea of fire, the flames a total of three floating islands, BOSS periodically jump smash Island, who fell into the flames where there DEBUFF, fall, rise too much damage will become high. BOSS will blow fly, so hit the first time to fly back to floating island.
The main reason here is off the ground with the free movement of flame and dragon Breath cone AOE dead! BOSS is the rock in front of three, preferably each table station one, at least two table to someone, place the tank can pull the BOSS. BOSS named after the lost cone of wood, wood cones can be picked up halo BOSS. BOSS damage each time a certain platform, the need for table, BOSS will increase attacks by burning lava!
Hypoblast: an enemy, causing 45 000 Fire damage, and in the next 12 seconds every 3 seconds for additional fire damage. As a law BOSS, embarrassment is inevitable. Although many skills, but only two uncomfortable, one group of Frostbelt, one fireball, Frostbelt, can be interrupted, try to interrupt it. You can buy ultimate game card to have more tasks. Then your skills will be improved.
Jana random location to the ground is still a ball of fire, the ball was going to step on, or 8 seconds after the explosion, the team AOE, the current squad can damage the Half-Blood. First step, then step on the only harm I second step is only 9000 points of damage. Master has become an absolute VIP, step on the ball Bathe! Step on the ball, very good fight!
A pile of strange humanoid mobs, pay attention to lay the MS, the bright spring can, AOE, point to kill can be. You can buy ugc online to enjoy more game play. Note the scattered debris, a total of 16. First point of killing mobs strange deformity, scrapping the other mobs, slightly hurt. BOSS with the sword of barren ground in front of the fire is toxic water, attention to escape! Another call Highborn skills, people skills to pull all pulled her feet, then the outer ring called mobs, kill them one point, the circle can be.
Pull into the light beam hit the mobs, kill mobs with the light beam will be greater the number, smaller, and then refresh the new beam, and then pull the light beam into the ring after killing mobs BOSS out. With ultimate game card you will share more good time with your teammate. Her skills BOSS months started to spread into a spear from the three knives, pay attention to avoid both, will be dizzy! Another good outside light can hide the ball.
BOSS throws the main ring to the ground, to hide well, and then DPS. Note that the circle does not disappear, only the central authorities launched BOSS site. And this body, is actually a turn back the clock of the machine, allowing the team back into the full state space BOSS, skills CD.
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