
My personal feeling of being a Necromance

After playing GW for so long time, the occupations in this game are all well known to me. I am a Necromance in this game. I have got a lot of Guild Wars Gold, through my fighting. Here, I would like to have a brief introduction about this occupation.
I intended to record part of the job, including team orientation, other skills. Hope it help novice master something.
First, Necro is the best at the blood magic, death magic, and curses. Blood magic, which is ration vampire blood in exchange for their injuries. It is mainly on the energy of these two categories.
The vampire is extensive, even hostile object is no blood. Concept can still smoke such as the strange elements. It is to absorb most of their skills vitality. Literally it is introduced as "stealing value of life". Vampire is not calculated. The defense can get a certain number of skills which will definitely be so much blood. It is more stable and it will not hurt.
Shadow damage to property is sacred property of the same. Injuries are caused by the same skills. The value is displayed on the skills of value. It will not damage the enemy. In addition to loss of their energy, Necro in the team battle does not play a small role. His skill is the blood of the sacrifice. This can make his teammates safe. The energy is guaranteed to achieve rapid destruction of enemy indirect effect.
Because blood cannot reach very high, the unique skills can increase energy regeneration. The team replies energy of the most important Necro. With the opening of Chapter 2, blood-sucking insects group will soon become the majority of the Necromancer skill. Blood is the loss of blood. Blood-sucking skills complement the skills of a reasonable mix of energy. Necro's continued combat capability of blood.  If you want your Necro to be more powerful, you can Buy Guild Wars Gold to enhance his strength.
Death does not have much magic spell. However, the direct killing organisms can be controlled to harm the enemy. The effect of is not a simple point. Bone spirit, bone spirit servants, magic bone, and skeletal travel partners can make the Spirit of death to be a body, as long as they can reproduce more.
Spirit of the average properties of bone is also the first to touch the bones. The advantage in a relatively short period of time call is good to the strength of the combatants. If you have some cheap Guild Wars gold, that will be better. You can exchange some armor for your Necro.
The consumption is generally low. The advantages of high speed can be manufactured with a body. Only in 2 to 3 seconds it will delay the attack of enemy.
Bone magic can attack, but defense is low. The consumption is also very easy to die. Defense is relatively high. Consumption of the cooling time is generally very long. It cannot be quickly summoned. There are a large number of advantages after the death of the body. They have a structure. The structure is not high.

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Effective Element Being in the Game Useful

At the same time there will not be reading of spells and skills are instantaneous. Charge may require the game world, but they are effective immediately. In addition, they also introduced combat combo system. Essentially, you can set up your own batter interface tricks, now appears to be the two skills together. So if you release a move down attacks, then the appropriate follow-up action can be a huge ax chop injuries. With tera gold, players can treat the characters in the game.
You activate the first set of dual skills batter will pop up a prompt telling you to press the space bar (Xbox360 handle it if it is the Y key) to additional attacks. This is a very simple and effective way to play each occupation-specific attack combinations.
As well as crystal and the circle, crystal is a world drop items in the store, and it can be like "Diablo 2" in the same plug in your equipment. They provide different role for the weapons and upgrade the property and down into the other equipment can be grilled on. With dodging, rolling, interactive AI, these elements gave the power to focus the action of the game this brought a lot of depth.
Chris and Stefan also hope that we should not focus only on the fighting game. "Tera" of the world there are many others equally weighty. Game has the world's most famous fantasy writer (RK MacPherson is one) to write the grand story. Cover story of the world, including 80 regions, 25 cities and villages, there are more than 1,000 missions for players to experience, which can increase the sales of tera online gold.
Although the "Tera" the world is not hostile to each other factions to create conflict, the friction between groups and trade unions in the game induced by the political system, the occurrence of the struggle is inevitable. Trade unions and individual players can rule by political campaigns to the game world, 18 territories (Greyhounds are each divided into several regional) one. The Vanarch can improve and set everything within the tax territory.
If necessary, they can even turn off the territories of the auction. Lord can be blood and iron, and the game's PVP game rules, or you can win over other players with the respect and votes to win. This can stimulate more players to buy tera gold to play the game. This system is really interesting because players will be how to understand it, and how to rule their own territory.
Stefan and Chris are happy and mysterious tell us the PVP server to server will be available as the game open. They want to PVP PVP players which can battle in addition to more than what can be expected, this is a PVP server to server system. They can not explain too much detail, but they referred to the entire server will be able to invade other server where the incentives and predatory wealth.

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Powerful magic black wings and weapons of fighters

Many do not tip the team with the elements of SA. But SA element does not mean player cannot find a place. After all, only a small number of cutting-edge team, most teams still need to provide all the convenience element of SA. They cannot fight for a position, or to see their performance.
PVE talent, at present, the element SA of talent in general is very simple. Enhanced 7 point out a second wolf, gave the other natural elements. Do not become major talent. The main point is not to point out differences in the subtraction of 12% injury. I think that 12% of the subtraction injury or important, the three-point talent in the H mode can greatly increase the fault tolerance battle with runescape gold for sale. More important is the liberation of jewelry, 12% damage reduction elements of SA, mop jewelry no longer needs protection.
Skilled blue-consumption and reduced seismic technique cannot point. Another natural method to mention H Nye, can consider giving up second wolf, point subtraction of recovery time of injuries. Property and equipment: Top attributes such as equipment, said intelligence biggest hit too full, and then rapidly is equal to proficient crit. But 4T11 premise, slightly beyond the proficient rapid. But do not bother to adjust, unless you’re next Lightning Bolt heroic less than one second. Also mention the jewelry selection. You can buy cheap rs gold to get some. For reference, choose from the high to the next.
In fact, I consider the elements of SA play sucks, the real master of the elements of SA are Hypnos and sanitary napkins. In fact, we carefully point if it can be found on the list now WMO played a handful of high element SA, basically serving on such a dozen countries to fight the good elements of SA. If you interested in the elements of SA output, you can go to examine them under the WMO data. Analyze the output of the next cycle they can have a great experience with RS gold.
25H black wings, weapons and fighters out experience. It lasted a total of more than a month wasteland, France finally Chennai, in the black wing of the copy. There is only more than 10 times the land reclamation on too long and riding out the sonic dragon bento H. There are all-powerful magic like this wasteland of just over 140 times the BOSS.
We fought for two days old Chennai half total of 60 multiple attempts, finally after about 10 seconds BOSS violent showdown will be the. A little tidy up of the six H mode BOSS weapons and DPS warrior experience details, hope for those who want to play a high DPS red list and fellow soldiers are clearing the play can help. I would also like to retain talent as a deputy defense, so the talent is used to point out the Thunder defense refresh tearing AE talent. Glyph and equipment, property and posts are the essence, do not go into details.

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Mystic home legal systems of the soul output

We welcome the exchange of goods with a combination of tokens collected by the economic system. Tokens of defects are that they control the game prices. In exchange for the best equipment, each player must take the same amount of time to collect tokens. In this way, players cannot use the money to reduce the growth process. Of course, the specific game time may vary, but the game has no other way to get tokens. The synthesis is proficient in their skills even though they have. It must personally complete the dungeon missions, in order to obtain one of the best props.
The soldiers cannot be purchased in the market to admire the best equipment. Moreover, the new player does not have any way to shorten the process of growth and catching up with friends of progress. This is so depressed! In addition, different styles of game players get a different type of game tokens cannot be arbitrary to purchase the desired equipment. In short, the tokens in the transaction limit online freedom: not only narrowed the range of items available for purchase, and increased purchase of props needed rift gold.
Although the token system can effectively control the behavior of goldsmith cash transactions with third parties, but denied most of the fun of the virtual economy. Looking back at history, we can find that a unified currency trading is to coordinate. There are different professional players, people who do their job the only way. The players can resort to buy rift gold. It is not only a variety of styles of online game players are free to create their own value, but also increased the game's sociability.
RIFT in the locked currency, evidence and filtering spam in have done well, it can certainly think of other ways to control the behavior of goldsmith cash transactions with third parties. However, the cash to completely remove the problem interfere with the game virtual cheap rift gold before the game companies will continue to use caution, but the lack of a free market system.
Mystic home is our two legal systems of the soul output of one group to kill their own ability. Although he has a problem of existence, but close to the enemy before you can damage and slow down the outbreak caused by its death. In my current experience, when I kill the main group when there will be magic would not be enough, but the late game equipment upgrade may alleviate this problem.
This is the soul of another legal system output, which focus more on single output, and there is slightly stronger than the family that dabbles in the occult ability to survive. I think this is a perfect place for the treatment of nausea and professional. Chaos groups’ fear will be a lot of offensive dispel PvP combat to go to the key. The only need to say is that channeling the skills in actual combat is too easy to give the enemy the opportunity to be interrupted.

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SWTOR demonstrates Alderaan theater PVP content

Star Wars: The Old Republic" is a work of BioWare and LucasArts to open them together to produce an epic background of the Old Republic "Star Wars" multiplayer online game. The players will have the option to choose Jedi or Sith Empire camp. Each camp will have unique career. BioWare game story is set to stand-alone version of the game "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic," about 300 years after the world. It can be said that the film series of stories about the world 3500 years ago.
Players explore 20 models look like the second half of the game famous Cologne. SWTOR loyal players for the second half of the field 3 is definitely a blockbuster, review the development field. This game has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of star wars theme games fans and players. From the playability to the quality, the game is very good l. The interested players can Buy Swtor Credits for Sale to have a try. It will not let us down.
In the game players can join in the Exciting laser battle! Developed by BioWare, "Star Wars: The Old Republic" Recently, the PAX 2011 demo available on the game show, let's enjoy what the demo video. Video up to 10 minutes, primarily for the players it demonstrates Alderaan theater PVP content. In the video, we can see a lot of the battle screen, and Alderaan theater scene throughout the game. In addition, in the video, we can see the main character died.
They were not the same as other PVP games. Players do not have to wait for the rebirth of the time, but directly on the rebirth of the spacecraft. By the flying motorcycle driver can return to the battlefield. With swtor credits players can get more advanced flying motorcycle. The players can overlook the battlefield during the flight, understand the real-time dynamic fighting, and join the fight immediately upon arrival.
This video shows a copy of the player team battle and defeat the final BOSS of the lens. EA brings its variety of games of this year to participate in exhibition games in Cologne. With the "World of Warcraft" under a high game masterpiece "Star Wars: The Old Republic" has been great players concerns. The EA game released a video of the actual fighting. What is amazing is that this video shows a picture of the player team battle BOSS.
Once the name "Star Wars: The Old Republic," we can talk for three days and three nights. Only after two demos, I cannot stand the other games. Because of the "old country", the voice-over is always far better than large segment description. Of course, we cannot forget the wealth of the player character selection. Players can even refuse to grant the NPC the task, so he needed to buy the props with Cheap SWTOR Credits.

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With halo-style DOT teams enjoy excitement of RIFT

The Prayer of the moment happens to be DOT to raise the blood group. They were followed by treatment of the ring, Prayer of Mending. This skill is still good to lose. If the sandbags did not stand a good position to lead the middle of the BOSS spin, this usually went to New Zealand because of a sandbag. treatment of the ring thrown out, side edge of the sacred star burst running, stand in front of DPS sandbags generally not you tube. Ride a road marked to milk to give him the brush group, but once the milk in a spur ride. You need to pay attention to brush the blood of sandbags under the DPS.
Treatment: a stage set of the main shield penance, mind control is recommended after a teammate, as the pastor of this people in the vicinity with cheap rift gold. If you can look up wailing, stage 2 is very important to give a full set of shield not including tanks. If you have enough back then to Tan Blue Shield Of course the best. Treatment difficult: the two marks, the need to brush in the tanks at the same time taking into account the boiling blood boiling blood and human blood star. 
Treatment: The BOSS Tan discipline talent to brush the blood, the beginning of the ride will help you brush milk. The milk out of 2 marks after the ride will not have time to help you brush the blood. Treatment difficulty: in the case of two treatments, halo-style group of blood pressure, blood group dissatisfied after an explosion followed by halo-style DOT teams, small groups of blood pressure after blood pressure and large tank up, easy down tanks. Treatment difficult: solutions diseases the opportunity to ooze explosion when downsizing, time ran out of green water is not human blood, not spit BOSS range of people ran out of blood. You can buy rift gold to add blood. It is together with a large soft small soft to the human blood. Recommended gift: discipline although Holy shield can be strengthened because of accelerated moves, but because his teammates usually DOT 1, 2 or personal discipline more easily focus on team-mate's life insurance.
Treatment: recommended vision more open counterparts, you can look for the location of the head of BOSS shoot out whether his teammates in time to shield and penance carry blood. With rift gold you can look his teammates had no time away from the green water, time to lift the shield or penance blood.
Treatment difficult: the transfer phase, the soft green soft red point people is mad DOT, with soft green group blood pressure big explosion. Recommended gift: discipline the sacred gift of the current national average serving equipment. It might lead to too much pressure on you blue. Here I say is the main precepts of the play.
Professor of plague transmission to recommend pass or we consciously running in fast forward pass close combat phase of the heap. Do not get together and pass the remote start.

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Vindictus to eliminate a strong sense of visual impact

Nexon gathered in many masterpiece Hall 9, booth set up as a large-scale B2C player play “vindictus" facilitated. In the five-day exhibition booth received a total of more than 60,000 players. There are more than 1,000 players participated in the "Vindictus" "4 on 4" Battle exercises. It is very exciting. With vindictus online gold you can also enjoy this new mode of play.
Nexon Europe representative said: vindictus to eliminate a strong sense of visual impact of the past, Free-to-play online games prejudice." 2011 Cologne exhibition game on August 17 will soon carry out in Germany, Korea NEXON game maker announced that it would take "Vindictus" "European service name of the game" exhibition, which will be "Rocky Hero" European version of the debut. Now NEXON has publicly related videos, so that players can look forward to the first warm-up look after buy vindictus gold. In addition, NEXON also notice the 9 will be held the month of "vindictus" the first non-European public service test.
E3 Game Show and the United States, Japan, Tokyo Game Show with the column of world-class exhibition games in Cologne, Germany, NEXON does not intend to miss this year. With its current hot products, NEXON will face players of B2C, dual display mode and B2B business debut, introducing the European users have the game. NEXON said, through "Combat Arms" this popular FPS games, so that they have 300 million people in the European market over the membership. In the GC display, they also intend to bring the top supporters of realistic action game Vindictus.
In order to reward players for their support, NEXON also consider the local launch of the most complete "Vindictus" version of the game, which South Korea is now operating in the "Rocky Hero XE". It is expected in September that the service can be held for the first time in Europe and America test. Meanwhile, UI system is adding a variety of new features, some of the original items are not frequently used functions have been given to remove. In addition, the game system to the players can configure the application according to their new computer image resolution adjustment. In order to the Cologne exhibition games in Europe 2011 will feature a demo version of the specially produced videos, now also open on the network.
Compared to the beginning of NEXON launch of the "Rocky Hero", "Rocky Hero XE" is not content later. But it is a mechanism for more independence and integrity of the game. In the original Korean version of "Rocky Hero Biography, players can choose the server menu to" Rocky Hero XE "versions of the game with vindictus gold. In addition to the inherent game content, XE version added more advanced jump system, Combo system, kill XEMove other content, and lifted many original features were locked.

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The story of youngest race on "Guild Wars” plants

In addition, NCsoft said that in the two exhibition games, they will not only provide a Guild Wars demo, but also the game will be made for the players when the Secret bit by bit. The other NCsoft also broke the news that another heavyweight Carbine Studios will be opened on the Cologne exhibition game its self-developed mysterious masterpiece.
Xi Waer is "Guild Wars” world's youngest race, as the Tai Ruiya the arrival of a new era of awakening. It is a nightmare within reach if the court is beyond their nature in the darkest part of the Xi Waer. Like a nightmare with a dream, it has inspired as much as fear. Xi Waer is "Guild Wars” world's youngest race, as the Tai Ruiya the arrival of a new era of awakening. They may be unfamiliar to the world, but they have been seen in a dream world. With Guild Wars Gold you can enjoy the rich and the strong guidance of their shared dream of the road. Since the wake of that moment on, Xi Waer who would feel obliged to defend the land, defeat the ancient dragon, so build on their mothers pale under the mother trees.
In the bright morning, the petals shake, a capsule pod opened. A Xi Waer stood up, stretched, with a hesitation to enter this world. Twelve mother trees should call early birth born son constantly greeted the new brother, who lived alone for many years, thinking they are the only Xi Waer. With cheap Guild Wars gold you can always find fun in this world. But the new wave of awakening has begun, other capsule pod has slowly matured, but not yet open, is what the new generation born in period.
"Brother, you are welcome." Always the first to ask questions or say hello to him smiling Effie, and took a cloak so that he can wrap himself. "Do you know us?" Another person chimed in: "Do you have dreamed of us?" "Of fruit, the voice down," Effie to the expectations of friends over a quiet, "you will frighten him." Effie against new seedlings with a gentle voice said: "We are Xiwa Er, just like you like I told Effie, your name is?”
New life to think for a while and finally said: "graciousness." It is with hesitation in his voice. He pulled the cloak over the shoulders well covered the sun. "What is this place?" Effie smiled upset hair new life, so that the black willow dancing in his shoulder. "This is the big woods." Effie pointed to a number of branches at the bottom of the tree. It is a pale mother trees, and our mother is your mother."
Triumphant curious gaze trees and found this explanation is quite reasonable. He looked up to nod inside the fruit, said: "I have a dream." Scroll scholars overjoyed to start with the quill, "Tell me your dream, I have examined all our people, but your dream will be the first of a new dream for so many years." This game is recommended to you. You can Buy Guild Wars Gold to explore this world.

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